Since I'm probably moving to Long Island soon, I thought I'd look into my future golf options: slim, none, and Bethpage.
I did once, some years ago, leave Brooklyn at 5am, get in line at 6am, only to be told the next available tee time on Bethpage Black was 6.5 hours later, at 12:30!!
The process has changed a bit in the 7 years or so since I went. Apparently they have a *Tee Reservation* system or something - which makes sense here in the modern era.
Though you can still camp out for a few open slots. And it sounds even more hellish than before:
Your second option for getting on Bethpage Black, as mentioned above, is to try and walk on, as all of the first hour’s tee times (which begin at 6:30 am), and one slot per hour thereafter, are made available on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the Bethpage brass.
Walk-on hopefuls typically arrive at Bethpage in the afternoon or early evening the day BEFORE they wish to play, backing their cars into the designated and numbered "overnight" parking spaces. At about 6:45 pm, a Bethpage official hands out wrist bands, one per car, which confirms the order for the next morning’s ticket disbursement.
It is these tickets, handed out between 4-4:30 am, which allow you to purchase your round of golf. It used to be that only one player in the group needed a ticket, but now every person has to have their own ticket. [Note: If you want a caddie ($60 plus tip) or locker room use for the day ($10), pay for them at the same time as your green fee as you probably won't have time to get through the long cashier line again.]
Overnighters should consider bringing a tent or sleeping bag, too. Cars aren’t conducive to sleeping, and, if you choose to bed down on the root-laden grassy area near the parking lot, you’ll need more than your golf towel to stay warm and comfortable.
Better yet, get a hotel room nearby. Remember, only your car has to stay put to maintain your place in line. As long as you’re back before the tickets are handed out in the morning, you’re golden.
From our experience and stories from people we know, if you’re one of the first few cars in line, you’ll likely get out in the morning. Later arrivals will likely get out, too, but it probably won’t be until the afternoon. Either way, if you go this route to get on Bethpage Black, you’ll be spending a good deal of time just waiting around, so bring a good book and/or some good beer.
Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention one other option for getting on Bethpage Black, though it’s better suited to those for whom money is not an object. sells Bethpage Black packages that include the green fee and round-trip transportation from Manhattan for $750 ($400 per person for a foursome). At 15 times the in-state green fee, it is a huge premium, but convenience does have its price.
See also - Montauk Downs - It's Better Than Bethpage.
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