Thursday, August 19, 2010



You know I messed up my back and neck pretty badly in a 1999 car accident? I even had invasive surgery to address the injury.

If golfers need to be able to turn their necks 110 degrees to become proficient, that might explain why my game hasn't progressed to where I think it should be after 20 years and a bazillion swings. I can probably only turn my neck 60 degrees, at best, in each direction!

These Somax guys sound good - but a little over the top. Perhaps I've just grown too cynical. After all, $350 an hour to release *micro-fibers*? That is what they are selling.

Yoga has helped my back more than anything so I am willing to push the envelope and dig deeper for non-pharma, non-doctor approved remedies.

One thing I just found is a book that might be down the same track as the $350/hour Somax microfiber reduction remedy.

With 4.5 stars on, I am definitely going to order it.

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide For Pain Relief

Ha! Even better, I just found the book on my library network and reserved it!

Friday, August 13, 2010